Ana Cristina Amoroso das Neves

PERIN Executive Coordinator 

PERIN – Portugal Europe Research and Innovation Network


“European Digital Leader 2018”, and Portuguese CIO of the year 2018, public sector.

Passionate about the Digital World, Emerging Technologies, S&T&Innovation Public Policies, Strategy, Diplomacy, with 30 years of professional experience in these areas. Set-up and facilitated initiatives to leverage digital emerging technologies and competences to improve services and the use of such technologies to a range of different stakeholders. 

Currently, Advisor to the Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education (the XXII Constitutional Government). 

Previously, Director, Department of Information Society, Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT), responsible for the coordination of Information Society public policies under the realm of FCT.

Former Expert, invited by the European Commission, to the Horizon2020 Advisory Groups (AG) on Future & Emerging Technologies, International Cooperation and Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials.

Until mid-December 2019, she was the PT delegate to the EU High Level Group on Internet Governance, EU Future Internet Forum, the OECD WPMADE, ITU Council Working Groups on WSIS & international Internet-related public policy issues and to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) at  the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), amongst others. Served as member to the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) of the IGF (Internet Governance Forum) from May 2012 to April 2016. At the United Nations Organization (UNO), she was the PT Delegate to the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD). In 2011 served as a member of the UN multistakeholder CSTD WG on Improvements to the IGF. Former Vice-Chair of the EU Strategic Forum for International Cooperation on Science & Technology (SFIC) and Chair of its Task Force (2011-2013).

Head of International Affairs - Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), from September 2008 to February 2012.

Counselor S&T, Space, Education & Information Society @ the Permanent Representation of PT to the EU in Brussels from 2002-2008. During the PT Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2007, she chaired the Research WP, Joint Atomics Questions-Research WP, WP on The European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Education Committee (Higher Education part) and Telecom/Information Society WP (INFSO part).

Advisor on International Affairs to the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology (1997-2002) at the XIII and XIV Constitutional Governments.   

She started her career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Directorate for Technology and Industry in 1991.

Member of CIONET (network of executives in information and communication technologies) and ceGSI/ISGec (Information Systems Governance European Club).

She is a doctoral student in European Studies - Public Policies at the Universidade Católica in Lisboa (ABD). She holds a MSc. in International Economics.

Specialties: EU and International Relations negotiator in complex negotiations on public policies in Digital Economy and Science public policies. Government liaison. Internet Governance. Policy strategist, namely between public and private sectors. 

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