
Sophie Javary

Vice Chairman, 

Corporate and Investment Bank, EMEA 

BNP Paribas 


Sophie Javary possesses more than 30 years’ experience in investment banking, having worked over a broad spectrum of transactions from privatisations and equity capital markets transactions to M&A and complex debt deals as well as restructurings.

A graduate of HEC with a year abroad (Brazil, NY), she started her professional career in 1981 at Bank of America in Paris and then at Banque Indosuez.

She joined Rothschild in 1994 to head equity capital markets, which was her specialty until 2008. She became a General Partner of Rothschild in 2002 and managed ABN AMRO Rothschild in Paris from 2001 to 2008. She then became joint head of European restructuring and joint head of debt advisory in Paris from 2008 to 2011.

In February 2011, she joined BNP Paribas as Senior Banker for a portfolio of very large clients for whom she has since been coordinating the Bank’s global relationship. From January 2014 to end 2018, Sophie Javary has been in charge of all corporate finance activities (M&A advisory and equity capital markets) in EMEA. She has been appointed Vice-Chairman CIB EMEA in December 2018 and now focuses, as an executive sponsor, on providing strategic advice and developing overall investment banking business with major strategic corporate clients and private equity funds.

Sophie Javary has been the senior manager of the BNP Paribas team that advised the French Government and acted as global Coordinator of the privatisation and IPO of La Française des Jeux (FdJ) in November 2019.

She is a member of the G100 (100 top executives of BNP Paribas).

Sophie Javary is a director of the Elior Group and a member of the board of directors of the very active NGO Europa Nova, which promotes the idea of Europe through a non–political agenda. Since February 2019, she is also a director at the board of Adevinta and, more recently, at the board of Euroclear.

She lectures in finance at HEC. She has been decorated with the French “Légion d’Honneur” and is the mother of three children.

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