Elisabetta Romano

EVP, Chief Technology & Innovation Officer, TIM

Chief Executive Officer,

Telecom Italia Sparkle


Elisabetta Romano is Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at Telecom Italia (TIM). Among her responsibilities in the role is ensuring the Group’s technological innovation and digitisation process; overseeing the evolution of TIM’s mobile and landline communication networks; and the IT requirements at Group level.

Romano also directs the integration of engineering processes and the development of technological infrastructures, platforms and IT applications, as well as the governance of the related businesses.

Working in the telco, IT and Media industry for 30 years, Romano previously held responsibility roles at Ericsson, both in Europe and the United States. She served as VP of the Core Network division leading a global organization for enhanced mobile connectivity services, creating an evolutionary path towards the 5G technology.

Romano also led a team outlining the strategy and marketing of consumer TV and video offering. Prior to that she was responsible for IT product portfolio strategy and development shaping the telecom industry transformation.

Romano was included in the  2017 Top 50 Women in Technology by the National Diversity Council alongside business leaders Sheryl Sandberg, Marissa Mayer and Ginny Rometty, among others.

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