Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl

Director General



Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl is Director General of DIGITALEUROPE, the leading digital technology industry association representing over 35.000 digital companies Europe. She is a Member of the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, a Board Member of the European Commission’s Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, and a Board Member of the European Parliament-led European Internet Forum. 

Formerly, Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl has been Executive Board Member of the Royal Danish Export Ministry and Chairman of the Export Grant Committee. She also served as Executive Board member in DIGITALEUROPE, and as a Member of the association’s high level Digital Advisory Council. Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl has served as Board Member of the Danish Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the Board of the Danish ICT association (ITB) where she has led the development of policy positions on issues such as: Business Digitalisation, ICT security, disruptive business models, telecoms and education. 

Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl has more than 20 years of experience in the ICT industry. She previously held international positions at IBM and Oracle as well as with SMEs, building business across Europe and China and founding the cloud provider GlobeIT. She has deep insights into the digitalisation of business and society, and the data-driven economy, and is regularly invited to deliver keynote speeches on these issues at high-level events across the world.

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