
Brian Mikkelsen 


Danish Chamber of Commerce 

Former Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs


In June 2018, Brian Mikkelsen was appointed Managing Director of the Danish Chamber of Commerce. He has been a minister, member of parliament and member of the Conservative People's Party. All in all, 24 years at Christiansborg.

Brian Mikkelsen has always been conservative and sensible. When all other children used their money on boom-blasters and beer, Brian Mikkelsen invested his money on the stock exchange. Brian Mikkelsen is sensible. Always. This extends to the way he treats Danish businesses. That’s something he learned from his grandparents. His grandmother owned an ice cream shop, his grandfather a bakery shop. They worked. 14-15-16 hours a day. They made little to no money and almost worked themselves into the grave. But they found pride in what they did. That made a big impression on the man who today sits in the corner office at the Danish Chamber of Commerce.

As Minister of Business and Industry, Brian Mikkelsen has removed several taxes and burdens on Danish businesses, as well as strengthened equity investments, tourism, digitization, cross-border trade etc. And as the longest-serving Minister of Culture, Brian Mikkelsen set up seven cultural committees in 2015. The committees selected the most indispensable Danish works of art, consisting of 108 works in different art forms, such as architecture, design, film etc.

Political career

Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs from 2016 to 2018.

Minister for Economic and Business Affairs from 2010 to 2011.

Justice Minister from 2008 to 2010.

Minister of Culture from 2001 to 2008.

Was elected to the Folketing in 1994 and was a member until 2018.

Chairman of the Conservative Youth organization 1989-1990.


MSc in Political Science, University of Copenhagen, 1986 to 1994.

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