Ei3 Summit

The Ei3 Summit - Europe investing in innovation

Join senior executives, topic experts, key policy shapers and global investors for deep discussions, knowledge exchanges and networking with an agenda designed to help industries transform into sustainable powerhouses powered by technology innovation and human talent. 


A global gathering of experts coming together  

Event Name: The Ei3 Summit - “Europe investing in innovation”

Subject Focus: Europe’s need to invest in and deliver sustainable growth powered by technology innovation and human talent

Format: Global Webcast and Exclusive In-Person Event (location to be announced)

Type: High-Level Thought-Leadership, Topic-Focused, Multiple Industries and Key Stakeholders 

Engagements: Keynote Speeches, Case Study Presentations, Expertly Moderated Panel Debates, Networking and VIP-Event

Invited Speakers: Global Industry Thought-Leaders and Scale-Ups, Investor Community, Executives and Senior Decision-Makers from the World of Business, Policy and Academia